

70 places for children
aged from 6 months to 6 years

Opening hours

full-day care


Albert-Nestler-Straße 13
76131 Karlsruhe




Familie und Beruf gGmbH

The element-i Technilinos child care centre is in the Technology Park Karlsruhe. 60 children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years will be cared for in kindergarten and nursery.

The child care center is housed in a modern office complex in the Technology Park Karlsruhe. The premises were renovated and better adapted to the concept of element-i. All rooms are friendly, bright and spacious. In attractive functional areas you have the opportunity to gain experience and to choose between different activities.

Through a close cooperation with the SSC Karlsruhe and the Fächerbad Karlsruhe, the children are particularly promoted in the field of movement. An attractive exercise room also contributes to this.

The cook is an important team member, as he does not only prepare breakfast, lunch, and vespers every day, but also involves the children in his daily work through conversation about diet and cooking.

The element-i pedagogy

We are TopKita certified!
Rating: 4.10 out of 5 stars