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Parents about element-i
„We found the WiKi and the independent concept to be wonderful, as it allowed us to observe every day how much fun the children have as they learn while playing and discovering and how naturally this all comes. Our children love the WiKi!“
the Kopf'sparents of a child at the element-i child care centre WiKi
„My son has been attending the child care centre Gruenschnabel since he was 15 months old and enjoys playing together with other children, the way rooms have different purposes and the numerous opportunities for play. His favourite place at the moment is the yard with the vehicles that he can drive himself and the big puddle when it rains.“
Motherson at the element-i child care centre Gruenschnabel
„The daily children’s meetings at the WiKi help to internalise some important key skills from the outset that will be needed during school later on. Decision-making processes in the group in particular encourage children to be introspective about their needs and exercise tolerance with regards to their frustrations, and this makes the all-important step of transitioning from a self-centred toddler to a well-integrated member of the group easier.“
Markus Frielingfather of a child at the element-i child care centre WiKi
„Individual support thanks with an open-ended concept is essential nowadays. The children’s meeting offers the child the opportunity to make their own decision about what it wants to do. element-i also provides flexible care times for working parents. The holiday break period times are also ideal for planning holidays. No other care provider (government, church or other independent providers) provides a concept that caters so effectively to the individual development and support of children from nursery age as element-i. Keep it up! Someone had to take the first step towards fundamental change. My compliments – you’ve done it.“
Pit Domesfather of an element-i child
Educators about element-i
„The sophisticated and high-grade element-i pedagogy offers not only children the opportunity to develop freely. I too as an educator have had the feeling of developing as a person and of having the opportunity to leverage my strengths appropriately. The work our team does is always appreciated. I like that very much.“
„Accompanying and supporting children as they develop is a great responsibility, because it means actively contributing towards a positive, caring society. Being a part of enabling children to gain more and more skills and competencies, to become ever more confident and take pleasure in everything is a real booster for me! When working with children, it’s important to enjoy your work, to be aware of your personal values and to have and radiate a positive image of the world and humanity.“
„I have been working for element-i for ten years. At the start I was able to identify with the basic principles of this unique educational concept very quickly, and today my conviction has never been stronger that element-i is the best way to help children develop as people. My experience has been that principles and character are essential for working here successfully.“
„Helping children to discover the world, to pursue their own interests, to challenge themselves, to develop their personal strengths and accept responsibility for themselves and their environment is an exciting and inspiring task through which I have the opportunity to develop along with the children. Working with the element-i concept offers me both a context and the necessary freedom.“
„I consider my work as an educator in an after-school activity centre at the element-i primary school to be something wonderful. It’s great to discover the work together with the children and to discover that each child is unique. I love the challenge of finding out how diverse the children’s interests are and exploring these together with them. As a qualified sports teacher, I especially enjoy doing sport with the children and seeing how they improve and gain in ambition."
„I am convinced that school education in Germany is in urgent need of change to account for the changes in society. Working in small mixed-age groups and the extensive project-based learning allows both technical skills and social competencies to be conveyed in equal measure and for children to be individually supported in their learning."