Start your future!

With a vocational training at element-i / Konzept-e!

Are you still at the beginning of your professional career? We offer you diverse opportunities to shape your future - with vocational training in pedagogy or in the commercial field.

Why it is worth getting vocational training in the Konzept-e network of providers.

The nationwide operating network of providers Konzept-e currently operates 40 childcare centers (including numerous company-run kindergartens), four (secondary) element-i schools (primary and comprehensive schools), and three vocational schools (for vocational training as an educator). All facilities are united by their own pedagogy: element-i.

Working for us: meaningful and purposeful

With our facilities, we are making a contribution today to a stable and sustainable society for tomorrow. We live individuality as a social principle and take our element-i motto #eskommtaufmichan (it depends on me) literally: for the community to succeed, every individual is needed.

Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen vor dem element-i Bildungshaus Karlsruhe

Would you like to support us as part of the community through your commitment and take on tasks that are important for society and that you carry out daily with passion? We offer you plenty of room for your personal and professional development!

Eine Pädagogin turnt mit einem Jungen und einem Mädchen.

Your vocational training in pedagogy by element-i.

With our training opportunities, we prepare prospective educators for deployment in places such as daycare centers or children’s and youth houses. Through the element-i pedagogy, which is based on the strengths, potential, and interests of the children, you have the opportunity to work in a supportive and inspiring environment during your training with us, and develop your skills.

You will receive the theoretical content at the FDFP – Free Dual Academy for Pedagogy.

In addition, we offer you the DHBW degree program ‘Social Work in Early Childhood Education‘ or with a focus on ‘Social Management‘.

There are currently no vacancies.

Your commercial vocational training at Konzept-e

In our administration, we also offer vocational training in business management, such as training as an office management assistant, specialist in information technology, or the DHBW degree program in business administration and service management.

Work with us in a modern and future-oriented environment where you can expand and deepen your knowledge and skills.

Find out what suits you best. Marketing, accounting, or human resources? Your individual strengths, potentials, and interests are important to us, and we encourage you as an apprentice to contribute with your ideas, following the motto: #eskommtaufmichan.

element-i Arbeiten bei element-i Konzept-e

Your benefits with us

Did we spark your interest? We are looking forward to getting to know you soon!

Apply directly through the apprenticeship positions above. Here you will find all current apprenticeship positions again:

There are currently no vacancies.