

40 places for children
aged from 6 months to 3 years

Opening hours

full-day care


Herzogstandstraße 16
81539 München




Kind und Beruf gGmbH

The element-i Zauberwald child care centre was opened in May 2016 and is located in the Obergiesig ward of Munich. The central urban location allows the carers to undertake many trips out to explore the surrounding area. At full capacity the day care centre offers space for 48 children aged between six months and three years. The day care centre is very easily accessible via public transportation.

This element-i child care centre is housed in a new building. The day care centre covers both the ground floor and first floor. An interior courtyard surrounding the building, which the children enjoy using, is owned by the library. The day care centre has very well-lit, generously sized rooms that allow the element-i educational concept to be very effectively implemented. There are various themed rooms (Building Cave, Garden, Exercise Room) that offer the children a cosy and warm environment. In rooms such as the Atelier, the Reading Corner, the Dump Room and many more, children can develop all of their senses and indulge their interests and their urge to explore.

A cook prepares healthy and varied meals from fresh, regional and seasonal ingredients every day. Depending on the childcare model, the children receive breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

The cost table for daycare fees (excluding meals) for the City of Munich can be found here. Please note the following explanation. The meal costs amount to €140.

The element-i Kinderhaus Zauberwald is part of the organization Familie und Beruf gGmbH in the Konzept-e network. Here you can find the concept, which serves as a framework for all element-i childcare centers. We will provide you with the specific additions for the element-i Kinderhaus Zauberwald upon request.

Please refer to the Regulations for Day Care Centre Charges for the State Capital of Munich here.

Please register your child for the element-i Zauberwald child care centre directly through Munich’s child care portal “kita finder+”.

The element-i child care centre Zauberwald is sponsored by

Landeshauptstadt München Referat Bildung und Sport

The element-i pedagogy

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