

46 places for children
aged 2.5 to 12 years (after-school care)

Opening hours

full-day care


Viereichenweg 37
70569 Stuttgart




Kinder in Stuttgart gGmbH

The element-i Bengelbande child care centre is located in a highly appealing, modern building with an attractive outdoor area. The child care centre is situated in the middle of a quiet residential area in the Vaihingen ward of Stuttgart (Dachswald), such that the facility can be easily reached by children on their own. Because local children from the area are mainly catered to, the relationship with the local area plays a major role in day-to-day activities. The child care centre is also not far from the campus of the University of Stuttgart or from the Fraunhofer Institute’s facilities. The child care centre offers 45 places for children aged between two and a half and twelve.

The large, bright rooms offer enough space for the differently themed areas. They inspire children of all ages to play together, and also offer school-age children the opportunity to retreat to a quiet place and work in peace.
A healthy diet plays an important role in element-i child care centres, and children receive complete meals made from locally-sourced ingredients, freshly prepared in the institution’s own kitchen. The Bengelbande day centre’s cook ensures that the meals are prepared freshly in such a way that children can eat them without any problems, and allows the children to play a role in their preparation.

The element-i Bengelbande child care centre is open to all children from the Endelbang and Dachswald residential areas.

The element-i pedagogy

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