

55 places for children
aged from 6 months to 6 years

Opening hours

full-day care


Pfaffstraße 1
76227 Karlsruhe




Kind und Beruf gGmbH

The element-i Grünschnabel child care centre is located in the “Mehr-Generationen-Haus” (multi-generation building) in a city environment with nearby access to the Karlsruhe-Durlach commercial estate. The facility offers 55 places for children aged between six months and six years. The day care centre is located in the Durlach ward in Karlsruhe.

The numerous, large, brightly lit rooms offer enough space to provide the children with a variety of themed areas.

Depending on the care model, children at Grünschnabel are provided with breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Please register through the website of the City of Karlsruhe and through our own registration form when enquiring about a child care placement. This two-step process is unfortunately necessary. Thank you for your understanding.

Registration site of the City of Karlsruhe


The element-i pedagogy

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Rating: 4.20 out of 5 stars