Benefits for employees at element-i

Work-life balance

For us as a family enterprise, the ability to harmonise work and family life is crucial , which is why flexible working time models are as much a natural part of our working environment as flexible reintegration arrangements following parental leave and subsidies to cover the expenses of child care and nursing arrangements for family members.


In keeping with our sustainability concept, we encourage our staff to be mindful of the environment in relation to their mobility. In Stuttgart and Karlsruhe, staff are given a company ticket that offers discounted travel on public transportation, while our fleet already includes some electric vehicles. A dedicated project group is tasked with ensuring that the topic is consistently addressed (sustainable waste management, recycling of resources, responsibility for health & the environment, and more).

Further education

The topic of further education is an important one for us, which is why we have developed an extensive range of further education opportunities. All employees of element-i child care institutions and administrative staff participate in various further education schemes such as the element-i Conference (around 800 participants), element-i seminars and the Konzept-e  Academy.


We aim to ensure that you feel secure and well-looked after with us and that the future looks at least a little brighter for you, which is why with us, you can pay part of your income before tax into a company pension scheme. We subsidise this with an employer contribution, and if so desired, this employer contribution can be paid to a state-subsidised capital accumulation pension scheme.

Working conditions

To ensure that your working environment is free from worries as far as is possible, we offer you employment contracts with no fixed time limit, either with full-time or part-time conditions, and 30 days of paid leave. For teaching staff, pay is based on the Collective Agreement for Public-Sector Employees (Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst, TVöD), including special payments (incorporated into monthly salaries). In the administrative offices at the Stuttgart site in Vaihingen there are numerous places to get a good meal on the premises and within walking distance and fresh fruit is also provided.

Health & sport

Exercising ensures that we stay fit for longer. Our partner, the association “Verein Vielfalt in Sport und Kultur e.V.” (association for diversity in sport and culture), offers numerous sporting opportunities not only for children at our institutions, but also for you as an employee directly on our premises (Stuttgart area). Professional medical advice and care are provided by our company physician and numerous other events are held in connection with corporate health management.