

80 places for children
aged from 6 months to 6 years

Opening hours

full-day care


Schelmenwasenstraße 17b
70567 Stuttgart




Konzept-e für Kindertagesstätten gGmbH

The establishment of the element-i child care centre Energiebündel was commissioned by German energy provider EnBW for the children of its staff, directly next to the EnBW city centre building in Stuttgart’s ward Fasanenhof and thus very close to where the parents work. Energiebündel also offers public care places for children whose primary place of residence is in Stuttgart. The facility is available to children aged from six months until they enter school. At Energiebündel, the children are provided with a stimulating environment, loving care and an educational concept that supports and challenges them as they learn and play.

The day care building is well-lit and offers many opportunities to design the rooms and areas in accordance with the latest findings of educational research. The rooms each have a designated educational or functional purpose, are furnished in keeping with this purpose and are continuously further developed. Examples of rooms are the Atelier, the Role-Playing Room, the Building Room and the Sensory Room.

Of particular note is the large garden in which the daily routine is given a touch of nature. The garden itself has a fenced-in area that is only used by the youngest children.

The vast forest directly next to the centre is used by the children together with their educators to explore nature, go for walks and observe animals.

Every day the institution’s own cook prepares delicious meals from fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. Depending on the care model, children are provided with breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.

Employees of EnBW and its subsidiaries Transnet BW GmbH and Netze BW GmbH are kindly requested to contact EnBW AG directly for registration purposes: Ms Bettina Häfele (Email: b.haefele@enbw.com, Tel. +49 (0) 711 – 289-43256). The online registration process is only for children whose parents are not employees of EnBW AG or its subsidiaries Transnet BW GmbH and Netze BW GmbH.

The element-i pedagogy

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