element-i Bildungshaus Stuttgart (being planned)

From pre-kindergarten to A levels, seamless learning according to the element-i educational philosophy. After many years of tireless commitment, we want to realise this vision in Stuttgart as well. Plans for the new element-i Bildungshaus Stuttgart are finally made more definite with the acquisition of the property on Ruppmannstrasse in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. Until it is ready, primary and community school will use rooms in the interim building on Breitwiesenstrasse 8 in Stuttgart.

Architecture and pedagogy in harmony
In the planned construction of the Bildungshaus, we are implementing our educational guidelines in a coherent architecture – entirely according to the needs of the children and barrier-free. Dividing the room into different functional areas is intended to inspire togetherness and at the same time allow children to pursue their interests in a focussed manner – making music or reading, romping or sleeping, building, handicrafts and research.

Children want to learn – with us they can
Curiosity, joy, an inquisitive mind – these are the attributes that our offspring need for the challenges of life in order to develop into independent, mature and strong adults who reflect on themselves and the world and take responsibility for their actions. At the element-i Bildungshaus Stuttgart, children will learn in mixed-age, grade-spanning groups. They are encouraged and challenged according to their individual levels of development and interests.

Learning today what will be important tomorrow
Future researchers predict that 65 percent of today’s primary school students will in the future work in professions that do not exist yet. What skills do today’s students need to productively help to shape this social change? At the element-i school, we deal with these and other future issues in the form of project work. Students find their own subjects and develop solutions for the pressing challenges of our time. The projects have resulted in digital school planners, a fair trade shop, recyclable, “upcycled” wet bags for the dirty laundry of daycare centre children and the element-i news in cooperation with the regional broadcaster Baden TV.

The MINT focus in schools takes a look at future subjects like programming, the Internet and artificial intelligence. In the arts subjects, we encourage students to examine art and culture. Students additionally benefit from the bilingual concept. Teaching materials are adapted to the respective level of knowledge especially for children and adolescents from other countries (e.g. children of expats) as well as the highly gifted.


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The advantages at a glance:

  • Pre-kindergarten, preschool, primary and secondary school with grammar school in one building
  • consistent education based on the element-i concept
  • focus on MINT content
  • permanent bilingual offer
  • Full-day offer (7:30 – 18 h) with full board
  • Freshly cooked food from the in-house kitchen every day
  • Only 25 closure days per year

Information events for parents

Are you interested in our school? Then you will here find a recording of the last information event for parents. For upcoming information events, click here.


As the Bildungshaus Stuttgart will unite several institutions under one roof, you can register your children on the pages of the respective school:

commuity school Stuttgart

primary school Stuttgart