Freie element-i Grundschule (Free element-i primary school) at the Bildungshaus Karlsruhe

Individual and interest-oriented

At the Freie element-i Grundschule (free primary school), we respect the students’ autonomy and support them in their desire to learn. We give them as much freedom as possible but set the necessary limits they need for optimal development.

Our learning offers consist of impulses that are contributed by children and teachers alike. The children decide what they want to do, play and learn on their own. They actively help shape their personal learning process using learning conferences and learning world maps. Our teachers accompany them and provide targeted support and feedback on their performance.


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Learning today what is important tomorrow

The advancing digitisation changes our society and poses completely new challenges for the youngest children already. They must learn to be self-reliant and – more than ever – they need skills like creativity, technical understanding, a tolerance for change and resilience for their future working world. These competences are specifically developed in the element-i educational philosophy in that our students independently control their individual learning process and learn in an interest-oriented manner. With our MINT-oriented [mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology] educational programme, we simultaneously focus on future subjects like programming, the Internet and artificial intelligence. Unlike many primary schools along the Rhine, students learn English in primary school already. The foreign language classes are taught by qualified native speakers.

The free elementary school at the Bildungshaus Karlsruhe

Under the roof of the element-i Bildungshaus, in addition to the free element-i primary school, there is also the element-i child care centre Technido, the element-i community school and the free dual professional academy for education. The schools, the daycare centre and the professional academy work closely together on an educational and organisational level.

All rooms are friendly, bright and spacious. Different functional areas give the children the opportunity to pursue their interests in a focussed manner – making music or reading, romping or sleeping, building, handicrafts and research.

The facility is open all day and offers 200 places for children aged six to ten.

Fresh and regional food is prepared for the school every day. The children in the all-day facility get a breakfast buffet in the morning, hot food at lunchtime and a snack in the afternoon.

Monthly costs

  • School fees: 167 euros
  • Voluntary goods and services:
    Off-peak and holiday care (Mon-Fri until 6:00 p.m., only 27 closure days): 191 euros
    Full board (breakfast, lunch and snack): 140 euros

Siblings receive a discount. We also award scholarships.

Admission procedure

Please register for our waiting list using the green button below via Smartkita. Participation in a parent information event is mandatory for admission to our school. You will receive all further information about the admission process during the parent information event.

Additional information

You can find out how this educational philosophy is applied in everyday school life here.
Find out more about our element-i educational philosophy here.

Information evening for parents

Are you interested in our school? Then register for the upcoming information evening here.

You can find a video of the last info evening here.


Konrad-Zuse-Str. 11-13
76131 Karlsruhe

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.



Supporting association

element-i Bildungshaus Technido gGmbH